February 06, 2021
All things LOVE
Hello Everyone !
It's February - YAYYYYY!! January, Covid or no Covid, is a challenging month however this January - it seemed to go on and on and on and on...
I want to talk about all things LOVE and as many of you know, I LOVE all things LOVE. Any chance I get to throw a bit of love into something in it goes.

Valentine's Day, for many, is a total dread. A commercial ploy to get us all spending money on nonsense. Cards, cuddly toys, chocolates, bad roses etc etc. I am not that person. I am a huge supporter of Valentines and I'm single. I see it as the day totally dedicated to LOVE. It doesn't have to be romantic love. Any love. I send my kids cards. I send messages to my parents. I wish each and everyone a Happy V Day. What's not to love about dedicating a day to LOVE?
So, come on, let's get into the spirit of the one day of the year which is all about LOVE!
The history of Valentine's Day is a bit murky. In the late fifth century, it replaced a Roman fertility festival on the same date.
The Roman Catholic Church recognises at least three saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred.
One famous legend has it that Valentine was a Roman priest in the third century. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers, he outlawed marriage for young, unattached men. Valentine continued to perform marriages in secret. When his defiance was discovered, he was put to death.
According to another legend, a martyred Valentine might have sent the first valentine greeting. In that version, Valentine fell in love while in prison with a girl who visited him. Before his death, he sent her a letter signed "from your Valentine," an expression that has been carried down through the ages.
In 496, Pope Gelasius I set aside Feb. 14 to honor St. Valentine.
By the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in Europe. Lovers were exchanging homemade cards as early as the 15th century, copying verses from books of valentine poems.
During the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentine would be. They would wear the name on their sleeve for one week, perhaps the origin of the expression "wearing your heart on your sleeve."
In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on Feb 14. Hearts, keys and keyholes were common motifs on the spoons, meaning "you unlock my heart."
OK, so what does LOVE mean to me. I'm going to share my favourite things love. The things that totally scream of LOVE to me.

The Swimmer by Roma Tearne

I have read this book 3 or 4 times and I tell everyone who will listen, how good it is.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

A short but brilliant read. Love and Tragedy - hand in hand.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

The ultimate love story - a classic and a must read ! Charlotte for President !
Normal People by Sally Rooney

OK, maybe not the "Love" story we dream of but it's real, it's raw and we can all relate!
A Beautiful Mind

Ok, not everyone's love story but for me it is the ultimate. Those closing scenes - sobbed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Call Me By Your Name
For those of you who haven't watch it - do!!!! Today! Right this minute! I will give you a little teaser. The speech the Father gives his son on the lose of love:

The Way We Were
Many will have seen it - a true classic, a real tear jerker - BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! Barbara and Robert - doesn't get much better!!!!
Walk The Line

Johnny and June - FOREVER!!!! Based on truth! A must watch and the sound track is amazing
OH so many. I have created a playlist - linked via Spotify below:
Finally, a few love quotes that take my breath away.

So there you are, I've shared all my LOVE LOVE. I hope I have inspired those of you who are not feeling the LOVE.
I will be running a Valentine's competition from Sunday so for your chance to win my LOVE Gift Basket. Keep an eye on stories.
Rae xxxxx